CFUV Music Department FAQs & Music Submission Guidelines!
Please read before contacting the Music Director with your questions!

Who is CFUV’s Music Director?
The one and only, Troy Lemberg is CFUV’s Music Director for all formats (rock, folk/roots, blues, hip hop, electronic, jazz, world, metal, classical, etc.) He has bee in the position for 8 years and he or one of his Music Library Team volunteers would review your release.
Contact Information:
(250) 721-8704
Tracking: Emails any day or phone on Thursdays 11am-4pm PST.
Music Submission Information
CFUV no longer needs/nor accepts physical music submissions unless you are a local artist (Victoria/Sooke/Duncan/Gulf Island)
All submissions are to be sent to the email
What are the basic requirements to be considered for airplay at CFUV?
- A Submission must include at least three unique tracks to be considered for addition to our library. You can create a unique Radio only EP from your previous singles if they aren’t part of a planned future full length. If they are the lead up to a full length we will wait for the full release.
- Digital submissions we ask for mp3s with a minimum of 320 kbps. We add many albums a week and large lossless files take up space fast!
- Send your submissions via a digital download link to This could be to !earshotDistro link, Dropbox, Google Drive, Wetransfer, Box, Disco, etc.
- If you have any questions toss us an email!
What should I include with my submission?
It is helpful to include a one-page biography to tell us about yourself with your submission. We do not need a glossy picture or fancy presskit. Please make sure that the artist/band, album title and track listing are included (so we can give credit where credit is due!). Albums missing a proper tracklisting will not be considered for airplay.
What happens once I send you my submission?
It will take at least a week or so to get it reviewed and sometimes longer if it is a busy time for releases. Once the Music Director or Music Team Volunteer gives it a listen it will be either accepted into our library or if we feel it is not a good fit for CFUV we may pass on the release and it will not be added to our library.
Does CFUV place new music in rotation or on a playlist?
No. We’er a “freeform” station here, meaning that our programmers pick what songs they choose to air on their shows. If accepted as a submission it will be placed with other new releases that CFUV receives for a period of three months being internally labeled a “chart release.” Our hosts are expected to play a percentage of their playlist of these new releases. Once in our library it will also live eternally in our ever-expanding library.
Why do you pass on some submissions?
CFUV does not accept every submission that it receives and there are many possible reasons why we may pass on your music. The most common reason is that it does not meet the submission criteria.
Other reasons include overlap with commercial radio, lyrical concerns, recording quality and/or space concerns. We also may pass on a record simply because it does not follow our format or because we don’t feel that a submission will get played by our current DJs.
Please remember that we focus on independent and underappreciated bands/artists. It is our goal to provide unique musical programming that does not overlap with commercial radio.
If your release is passed on please do continue to send future releases to our station. Our DJs and shows are changing all the time so what may have not been a good fit for your first submission may change as new hosts come to the station. If you are local and feel your genre isn’t getting represented on the station, consider volunteering with us to highlight your community and host your own show!
We do sometimes still add physical records or maybe you want to send goodies / things for giveaway on the station.
Mail address:
CFUV FM 101.9
C/O Music Director
PO Box 3035
University of Victoria
Victoria, BC
V8W 3P3 Canada
Need to send your submission via Courier?
Courier Mailing Address:
CFUV 101.9 FM
University of Victoria
3800 Finnerty Road
Victoria BC
V8P 5C2