Current show

Sweetheart of the Rodeo

7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Upcoming show

Garage Grooves

8:00 pm 10:00 pm

Current show

Sweetheart of the Rodeo

7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Upcoming show

Garage Grooves

8:00 pm 10:00 pm

Content Upload Page

This page exists for CFUV volunteers to easily upload their content (programs, podcasts, production pieces). No need to login, no need to sign-up, no need to worry about sharing permissions! Volunteers can also access folders containing all traffic items. Those folders are updated regularly, so be sure to check back if you’re looking to run new PSAs, Ads, and so on.
If there’s any errors or mistakes, please contact CFUV’s station manager (
Please be sure to read the “Before you use!” section!

Before you use!

Approved Logsheets

Upload – Radio Shows

Upload – Podcasts