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CFUV @ UNO: ‘The Rendez-vous’ review

Written by on 05/21/2015

Why have circuses stayed so popular even as so many other forms of entertainment have evolved far from their roots? Simply put, there’s no substitute for the astonishment and wonder you feel when watching the artistry and flexibility of those who work many hours to hone their craft. When Krin Haglund was sliding down those aerial silks towards the stage, loops untangling from above her, I was at the edge of my seat.

The Rendez-vous features Haglund as a young woman waiting for a date. She does everything you’d expect an anxious woman to do, but of course, with an acrobatic twist (she checks her lipstick in the reflection of a sword she’s balancing on her hand). The audience was in awe as she spun herself silly on a Cyr wheel or tangled herself in a trapeze. Each part of the show was captivating, and Haglund’s comedic timing was a fine addition to her myriad skills.

Her character work stayed with me, but I kept wondering how those scenes fit together. It seems churlish to want for more plot, since it’s hardly the point, but I just wanted a better excuse for the twirls and flips. I wanted a bit of a character arc, and maybe a better resolution to whether her date lets her down or sweeps her off her feet. Sure, she is more than capable of doing that by herself, but it’s partly due to Haglund’s strong characterization that I felt it deserved more. The scenes in themselves were very strong, and needn’t be changed at all. I just wanted a stronger thread.

I’ll remember the show for its many hilarious moments — her ferocity with a baguette and her duet with a sock puppet were comparatively low-key moments that I enjoyed greatly among the incredible displays of balance and grace. It’s at times a clown show, a circus act, a silent film, and a monologue. What more could you want from one person?


The Rendez-vous runs again at Metro Studio on:

Thurs. May 21, 7:00 pm

For more CFUV coverage of Uno Fest 2015, click here.
For ticket info and showtimes, click here.

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