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Rifflandia Saturday: Going Strong! Part 2

Written by on 09/20/2015

Saturday was on a whole new level! Well, I am not sure if my pictures and words will be able to accurately describe Saturday in all its glory but I will give it my best shot!



Big Data put together a very unique show. At points in the show an automated voice would come on asking for people to take a selfie, or to hold up their phones so the band could steal their data. Little interactions like that with the audience really helps bring everyone together. The vocals were slightly lost in the mix, especially for someone who isn’t familiar with all of their songs. However they made it up with stage presences and high energy.



Neon Indian came in with new songs and crazy sounds. One of the more experimental groups to play at Rifflandia, they had a real groove about them! Displaying great confidence and showing how live synth is meant to sound! These guys brought the festival up another peg!


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Tokyo Police Club was lively! One of their opening songs was their new single ‘Hot Tonight’ and to be honest the live rendition sounded better then the recording. They played some unreleased new songs which connected very well with everyone. They were well received by everyone and put a electric feeling into the air as they played!



Kieza impressed me. She walked through a cloud of smoke with back-up dancers and simply performed. She sounded amazing, especially for all of the dancing she was doing. She was all over the stage and getting everyone to vibe with her. It was awesome to see the amount of effort she put into the act and it showed! She had amazing accompaniment that brought the whole show together!



What can I say about these indie gods? The anticipation to see them was intense, but with little delay they showed everyone why they deserve to be the headliner! They blew the roof off and rock into the night with an amazing performance by all! The lights, the rain, the people and the music was a real pinnacle and displayed why Rifflandia is such an amazing festival! A great note to lead into the night!


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Last night was out of this world. It was awesome to see how all of Victoria was partying and taking these events to the next level! I travelled around trying to catch different artists and was pleasantly surprised to see how many people were out even in the rain giving it their all! From DJ’s to a live violinist, all of the acts seemed like they were going to make sure the night events were going to go out with a bang! A real joy to anyone who went out last night! Longwalkshort dock put on what I would say the performance of the night. He was in control, letting people breathe in between drops but at the same time keeping them on their toes. As well as none Rifflandia things were happening including a gang of light up bicycles rolling around, street drummers, hula hoopers and electronic producers were all out in the streets adding to the great atmosphere that is downtown Victoria! Saturday at Rifflandia was such a joy and I am happy to have another day of it left!

Follow @CFUV  and @Jacksontheoak on Twitter to get up to date info on where I am at and Rifflandia

Jackson Melenchuk / The Oak Show Thursday 1 – 2 PM

Reader's opinions
  1. JD   On   09/20/2015 at 18:16

    Sorry, when you take your kids grocery shopping and the parking lot is bombarded with “motherf**ker” from rap, Rifflandia takes on a whole new meaning. No longer a supporter.

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